Bottle. Amber pour with tiny white mind. Lovely malty flavours with hoppy records that do not over-power the overall style. Very drinkable and enjoyable.
AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 4/5 OVERALL 12/20bottle from Tuckers Maltings. Amber colour with a thin white mind. Malty aroma and flavor. Kind easy to drink bitter.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 TOTAL 14/20Cask @King Arthur´s Arms, Tintagel. .
Simply speaking: smooth buttery ale.
Pours dark gold with creamy white mind, good lacing. Malty aromas. Soft, malty, toffee records, some buttery-diacetil. Minor bitterness, quite pleasant.
AROMA 3/10 APPEARANCE 2/5 TASTE 3/10 PALATE 2/5 OVERALL 5/20Cask gravity at the Watford Beer Festival 2014. Poured a hazy copper, with a small, scummy white mind. Aroma of veggies, caramel and straw. Toffee when you look at the flavor, with a few burnt sugar and loaves of bread. Finish was flat malt, damp grass and a small metallic edge.
AROMA 5/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 6/10 PALATE 3/5 TOTAL 12/20Cask gravity in the Watford alcohol event 2014. Orange light amber colored pour with no mind. Aroma is light grassy, little honey, nutty malt. Flavour is nutty malt, grassy hop, honey and light caramel malts. Palate is semi nice, reasonable carbonation. OK not great.
AROMA 5/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 5/10 PALATE 2/5 OVERALL 10/20Roasted malts and a little fruity, slim and watery and nothing unique. Drinkable but doubt i am going to work with it once more for a while!
AROMA 8/10 APPEARANCE 4/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 TOTAL 15/20500ml container - 15/7/12 - Amber colour, little beige mind. Aroma is caramel malts, fresh fruits, lumber plus some toffee records. Flavour is caramel malts, toffee, and quite resiny also. Long toffee and bitter grassy aftrer-taste.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 TOTAL 14/20Cask (gravity) @ 28th Pigs Ear Beer and Cider Festival 2011, on Round Chapel in Hackney, London, The united kingdomt
Obvious medium to dark amber shade with a average, open and frothy, great lacing, mainly lasting, off-white mind. Aroma is moderate malty, toasted, bright nuts, caramel. Flavor is moderate to hefty nice and sour with an extended timeframe, nut peel, caramel, nutty. Body is method, texture is oily, carbonation is smooth to flat. [20111207]
AROMA 6/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 TOTAL 13/20Cask conditioned, gravity dispensed, at The Royal Blenheim, Oxford. Amber with small white mind. Malty kind of bitter, reasonable level on the palate, easy consuming program type bitter with a herby minor jump when you look at the close. Its ok.
AROMA 7/10 APPEARANCE 3/5 TASTE 7/10 PALATE 3/5 OVERALL 14/20Cask@Pigs Ear Beer Festival 2011. Amber color, little beige mind. Aroma is caramel malts, fresh fruits, wood many nice toffeeish notes. Flavour is caramel malts, toffee, wood and rather resiny too. Very long toffeeish and bitter grassy aftrertaste.
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