Did you know that things for rest should be selected according to certain rules? It is better to prepare your suitcase in advance in order to ensure a comfortable flight or moving. If you wondered how to dress on vacation, it should be known that short skirts and shorts are not at all suitable if you are flying on an airplane, as this is unhygienic. The best flight clothes are, of course, pants, trousers or jeans. And do not forget that it is better not to wear a large number of accessories, since during the inspection they will still have to be removed.
It is foolish to advise women who constantly wear jeans to take on vacation a bunch of dresses, sundresses and just one pair of shorts.
Also, the set of clothes varies depending on where you plan to go in the summer. You can go on a trip to Europe, where it is worth taking mens church suits, or on the sea, where the choice of things depends on the climate.
Think and write down what you plan to do during your summer trip. For example, you will visit discos, excursions, restaurants, etc. Based on your list of activities, sketch out how to get dressed on vacation and what things you might need. This is best done two weeks before departure.
Consider whether you can bring your things in proper condition during the rest. For example, when renting an apartment or a villa, much fewer things are required, since there will be a washing machine. And if you are going to stay at a campsite, hotel or B&B, it is better to find out information about its availability in advance. If such a service is not provided, look for nearby laundries.
Even if the weather forecast promises you only warmth and sunshine, it will not be superfluous to play it safe and take a jacket or shirt with you on a trip. They will help you escape from the wind, although it is often cool at the airport.
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